Health Challenge 2018
OK – it’s time. It’s time to stop eating like I’m still pregnant. It’s time to take our more health seriously and be the example to our little one. While I’ve always liked healthy foods – I also really like unhealthy things. So in order to jump start my health journey I’ve convinced Dan to join me in a health challenge.
I’ve done things like this before and afterwards I had no reason to continue to eat good and reversed right back to my old habits. This time I’m going to channel my desire to be a good example to Nora. I also chose a program that is more about teaching you to be healthy than starving you for weight loss. I also made sure to choose a program that wasn’t full of chemicals like Sucralose (yup – that’s Splenda – it’s a terrible chemical that literally eats you from the inside – more on that another time).
We’ve made the commitment and start with a group of people on February 5th 2018. I’m excited! I know it will be a lot of work but I’m ready for this change. Vacation is right in the middle of it so that will be our biggest test of commitment but if we ‘wait’ til after vacation something else will come up – so I’m jumping in with both feet to get back to my healthy self.
I plan to document the journey here – so keep checking back for updates. We went with the Arbonne 30 Healthy Living Challenge. If you are interested in it – check out one of the video below that explains what a day in the life looks like. And if you want to sign up to do a challenge I’m happy to help. I’ve also become a consultant to get a discount on the products since I was buying two challenge sets – so I can help you with that or any other Arbonne products – you can buy them by clicking here or shoot me a message.
Regardless of my ‘consultant’ status I will give you the good and the bad – the easy parts and the challenges. This isn’t a full time gig for me so I’ll be upfront and honest on the process. I already do love their baby care products – so hopefully this is just as good – but either way I’ll let you know!