About Us

Surviving & Then Some
This has many meanings to us. We are surviving this crazy life but aren’t just stopping there – we are also thriving and yearning every day to be better than we were the day before. Survival skills are something Dan is passionate about sharing with the world – and Jenna is not the type of person to be left out – she makes up the & then some portion. We hope to inspire those around us to take this as a challenge to live every day Surviving & Then Some.

Who are we together?
We are Dan and Jenna. New Parents. Fur Parents. A Survivalist and his Wife. In 2005, we met while we were both working for Circuit City. We started dating in 2006 and were engaged and married in 2009. After trying for a few years, we were blessed by the arrival of our precious baby girl, Nora, in 2017. We have realized that a lot of our friends and family come to us for advice or random information. If someone doesn’t know how to do something they ask us. So we decided to start this blog to pass that information on.

Who is Dan?
A true survivalist at heart, Dan was born and raised in Montgomery, NY. Throughout his life he has had some pretty amazing experiences that brought him to today. From being an award winning hammer thrower to playing football for Rutgers, he knows his way around a sporting goods store. After serving some time working in extreme conditions as a contractor for the government, his true intrigue lead him to learn everything there is to know about survival. That being said he believes that everyone should be equipped with the skills needed to be prepared for the worst so that everything turns out alright. ‘Survival for the Average Joe’ as he calls it, means it shouldn’t matter how much money you have or previous knowledge – he wants to pass along his passion to you to share with you how you can be a survivalist with what you already have.

Who is Jenna?
Sometimes called creative or crafty or resourceful, Jenna is a jack of all trades from Lawrenceville, GA. She has always been called upon by those around her when there is anything that needs to be homemade, someone needs advice, or when someone has a sweet tooth. She has always had a love for the arts: music, art, books…and can seem to come up with a solution for just about any problem that makes you wonder ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ She has a knack for creating things and isn’t afraid to take a challenge head on. She loves life, Jesus and all things sweet and wants to help others in any way she can, so sharing her life and what she is learning is right in her wheelhouse.


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